Sahara Project – phylosophy
In the
actual context of global climate changes, of the increasing of Greenhouse
gases, governments, organisations and other entities tries to find solutions to
stop or to minimalize this phenomenon. Many of the solutions adopted by forums
as COP have failed. Why? Because in one hand, they try to find in a wrong
direction (through economic compensations for the undeveloped countries) and in
the other, no one of the industrial corporations wants to make even a least
sacrifice in order to limit the exploitation of natural resources which is
otherwise an important part of actual human civilisation. The commercial way of
thinking leads finaly to a colapse of the countries, large wars, refugees
problems, economical crisis and collapses of important branches in ones states
economies and also in destruction of the environments, of natural balance,
giving to people not only pain, but it threats even the life on Earth, as never
was before since immemorial times.
So, we do
not need ideas, politics or financial solutions only. We need practical,
touchable yet challenging solutions.
I wonder
how people may invest huge amount of money in projects which are in these ages
a nonsense instead of redirect it to more practical and usefull ones? I mean,
why are we so stubborn to send missions to Mars, trying the almost impossible
(building there an environment available for living or human creatures) instead
of conquering areas on Earth which are missing life, as are the deserts of our
planet. The Amazon Forest is the mot important green zone on the planet and
also the “lung” which regenerates along with the Oceans the Earth’s atmosphere.
But with the nowadays average of industrial processes over the world and land
clearing of this huge forest we get two important factors: 1 Increasing of
Greenhouse gases. 2 Decreasing of the capacity of regeneration of atmosphere.
Those 2 factors together are leading to unballance of the entire planet
environment and the final outcome cannot be predicted. Humanity as society have
yet very little knowledge of how does Nature works, or worse, is not concerned
too much about it.
Sahara Project
Sahara is
the largest desert of the world and comparing with the Amazonian Forest, it is
almost double in surface. Sahara was many times in the past a rich green and
wet environment, filled with flora and fauna. It can be again now, in our ages
and it may be an important heritage to our children and future generations. Our
civilisation have today enough technology to rebuild a forest in the Sahara
Desert, Sahara may become entirely a great forest or a green map (watching at
it from sattelite). What is required is the awakening of human consciousness at
some level, realising the danger may occure in the future if we are doing
nothing practical now. All the nations have to be involved in this project. If
the countries redirects let’s say a few percents from GDP or from the money
destined to increase army powers, to that kind of project, if all the humans
will let aside all the differences between them, either political, cultural,
religious, racial and so on and tries to build together a new world, a real
Paradise, not beyond death, but in this life, right here, right now.
Joining a
project like this, many of the actual global issues will be solved partially or
entirely. Decreasing of the level of Greenhouse gases in atmosphere, may be the
main target. But also, millions of unemployed people may find a job here, and
eventualy, cities may be built here solving in this way an important part of
As the surface
of the afforested area is growing, we will have an increase of rainfalls wich
will provide fresh water over this area. Sand storms will decrease, rivers will
start to flow, the temperatures on the ground will be not extreme as it is
today (-5C at night and over 50C on day) and will be friendly to the
A big
amount of water and Greenhouse gases will be trapped in the vegetation and the
threat of increasing the Oceans level will vanish. The extreme forecast will
disappear, not only over Sahara, but on entire Europe and even for the whole
northern emisphere.
Big amount
of crops grown here may supply the markets of the world and a new era of
prosperity even for the poor countries would arise.
important transformation in the human consciousness will take place if the
project will succeed.
and technology
project is impossible to be done by a single man, a single organisation,
corporation or country. The cooperation between all countries is of vital
significance for succeeding, dealing with big amount of technology, energetic
and material resources, human resources, and finances. But this cost is
meaningless regarding the benefits for the humanity. It is an issue of death
and life. It is a chance for the future of the planet.
First thing
we are concerned by is water.
There is a
big amount of water underground of Sahara discovered few decays ago. But the
ice of the polar cap is also an important option. Icebergs may be transported
to the coasts of northern and west Africa, melt in special tanks and pumped to
the forest plantations. Some rivers in south Europe are overflowing in springs
and this water together with the rich mud may reach northern Africa through
undersea pipelines. There are many ways and we can find the cheap or best one.
In any case, when the new environment will be self sustainable, the water
supply will be not necessary.
Secondly, tree
planting nursery have to be prepared carefully, starting with the most
resistant species at the dry hot weather of Sahara and north Africa, but later
adding also many other species. Very important is the BIODIVERSITY. Starting
with annual vegetation and later continuing with the perennial, we’ll ensure a
step-by-step stabilisation and enrichning of the soil. We need trees and
vegetation together. The trees will pull out from the deep soil different
nutritious minerals. Slowly, a fertile soil will be built and a cycle will be
supply will be based in the beginning on the fossile fuel and soon on solar
power. This is a great chance for experiments and development of new
technologies which can be further used in any other place on Earth.
The Sahara
Project will be shared in stripes, starting from north to south. Each stripe
will be developed first in lenghth and after that in width, mile by mile.
Finally, it will join the savanna and then the animals there will populate
slowly the new forest. Some birds and animals will be selected and naturalised
in the Sahara Forest. It may occure an unballance in that case, but soon, the
law of nature will operate in its own way to bring a balance.
Europe can supply fertile soil, biomass for better results on plantations.
Different insects, bees, mushrooms, worms are an important part with specific
role in the nature. The most important thing in every thing we do is
BIODIVERSITY. Australian scientists have a great experience in building fertile
soils in extreme conditions and their researches are necessary.
projects may be developed in other deserts as Arabian Peninsula, Gobi, Kalahari
and so on.
Project, a stepforward to the Big Shift
As we know,
the history of our planet is filled with blood, pain, human disasters and all
aspects of destruction. The main reason was the gain of a small piece on this
Planet. In thousands of years of history, the human society have not change
essentially, but only in finding different ways, much more distructive, to
reach the same goal: the achievement. Nowadays, we are as society on a top and
if we are not stopping here from this destructive path, we will fall and
vanish. We have no choice. We have to change not the way, but the goal. The Big
Shift is the only way to continue to exist on this Earth. The Big Shift is a
real step forward also, along with surviving as society. We need new vision and
a deep understanding of how the Nature works, of its laws wich are still
unchangeable till the end of cosmic cycle.
It is well
known that if the enire population of Earth would consume the same amount of
goods and energy as the american people does, we will need 4.5 planets, but we
have only a half. Also, in only two centuries we spend almost entire reserve of
fosyle fuel which the Nature have built in millions of years. This is a
destructive way of living. The Nature and the human body are working in the
same way, with the same basic rules. So if we understand this, our acting in
this world will be a benefit for every one. In this point of view, if we
consider the money as the blood of society (and obviously it is) we will try to
let the flow smoothly in all directions. The accumulation or lack of the blood
(money) will lead at unbalanced and unsustainable life of humans or society.
Or, the wars of the history till the present day were nothing but accumulation
of land and goods in few hands and distruction of defeated. You cannot feed
only a part of your body and let the rest of it starving and to maintain
yourself in life. Every organ, tissue, cell, etc need the same care and all
must co-exist in absolute balance. The unballance means disease and eventually
death. Accumulation of money may lead to such unballance and disease of society
and no legislation in the world will be enough to avoid the final outcome.
The Big Shift is the change of the way of
thinking from feed-up to feed-back. What came in have to come out. Not the
survival of the powerfull and strongest but cooperation, recycling and
interconnection. We cannot ask to happened all this from governments, banks,
NGO, religious organisations because we not gonna get it. We must understand
and act changing the own self first, and only this way we will witness a real
The Sahara Project is a great opportunity to
reconnect humankind with Nature, the humans between them; it is an opportunity
to reballance the planet at a very large scale, because having a common goal, a
common action, we will have also a common benefit. Differences between people
as their colour, language, religion, gender, etc will be no more a reason of
hate and destruction but a reason of coexistence and happyness. But we must
unit our powers and redirect our efforts and resources to that wich will bring
a benefit to us and future generations. Do we care about our children? Then we
must be concerned of the heritage we leave to them. We cannot hope to go to any
Paradise out there leaving a chaos and hell in here. No destructive action of
any of us will lead us to Paradise. If we are living in hell, the paradise is
only a hope, a fantasy, especially if WE are the hell-makers. Instead, we have
an oportunity to build here and now a real Paradise and to enjoy it growing and
blossoming, knowing that WE created it for us and our children.
The energy
we can create distructive weapons can be redirected to the creation of
constructive tools and sustainable technologies; the energy used for rebuilding
an after-war zone can be redirected to the building of a sustainable
environment in places as Sahara Desert. The war is anyway distructive, no
matter its goal and it have no virtue at all, no matter how it names. Instead
of wars, we can together help the Mother Nature to come to life in such places
as Sahara and She will embrace and feed us dearly.
The Sahara Project shall be not a specific,
local, limited action, but it must have extends in all societies, in every part
of the world. We can say that is ratherly a concept we create, develop and
apply in the daily life. What that mean? Basically it could be the opposite of
the war. The wars destroys cities, forests, nature and leave behind a desert.
But we can take a desert and put a seed there, a plant, a tree, an animal, etc,
and one day, the Nature will be able of self sustainability and the next
generation will see growing what we sow today.
In a daily
life, we can redirect our energies to build a good environment around our
places, to reconnect with people and the nature, to become aware of our actions
and its outcome. To rebuild our destroied life and to shift from old towards
the new. Nothing is impossible: it only
can take some big amount of time and energy. But if it does have a meaning for
someone, it is worth of any effort.
We must
become aware that this way of living and thinking we had for the last centuries
have lead us to an end and we can no go further. Competitivity and the surviving of the strongest took us
away from Nature. In that end, we have to step a little back, to turn the gaze
backward for a while, and we will understand what we have done. After that
arising of the awareness we will be able to find a new way, towards cooperation
and reconnection with the Nature.
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