Sunday, October 8, 2017


Once upon a time, there were some beings spinning around, here and there, chattering and blabbering, doing lots of stupid things. There were monkeys. They were a part of the primates specie, named "Homo Barely Erectus" or rather "Homo Barely Sapiens".
HBS were organised on tribes, with a complexe structure, and one monkey could be member of different tribal structures in the same time. Let me be more clear and give my definition on what the tribe is: an organised structure having a common purpose, the own methods and concepts, and a very strong self protecting system that can be named nation, religion, state, political party, social layer, caste, etc.
Those tribes are integrated in other biggest tribes, or structures, as EMU( European Monkeys Union), NAMU (North American Monkeys Union). Those tribes and supertribes are protecting themselves so hard through what we name "western civilisation", racial superiority, and even (so patheticaly) chosen people or as Obama says exceptionalist nation. Unfortunately, this is not only self protection but a controlling and distructive attitude toward others from outside. In the name of these, big empires were built and the spoliation become legal and even virtue. Those pathetic monkeys doesn't even understand what they're doing because they are not aware at all. Sometimes, here and there, some human souls arised and bring a glimpse of wisdom, but very few of the monkeys had any wish to become human, or aware. All the others preferred to remain ignorant embracing the old outdated ideologies and structures.
The difference on DNA between humans and monkeys are 0,2-0,3 percents, but as awareness, they are worlds apart, said once an aware human being.
Close your eyes and visualise what the monkeys, those pathetic and ignorant monkeys are doing all around the world:
Are wearing uniforms and distructive weapons and go to war against other tribes. Can you imagine how cruel are the soldier monkeys? They are killing the "enemy" without hesitation, in any possible way. But the enemy is not always wearing a soldier's uniform and a weapon. Many times they can be children, women and old people. But the monkeys learned to fight and this is what they do the best. No monkey is aware of the height of their crime and neither they will regret all these horrors years later. The soldier monkeys are proud and aware only of their power. The soldier monkeys are a sort of ground monkeys, but they are guided by the tree monkeys. The tree monkeys have no contact with the reality of the ground, but they invent concepts and ways to conduct the ground primates to wars, to sacrifice their life and to bring wellbeing for the inhabitants of the trees. The tree monkeys are barely stand on the ground, they have very thinny contact with the ground, but they imagine that they are the owners and the rulers of the ground. This is pathetic, because NOBODY can own the land, but everything and everybody is OWNED by the land. The tree monkeys are not living longer than the ground monkeys neither than their enemy are fighting with, and doesn't eat more than them.
Close your eyes and visualise the monkey society:
They are spending the time trying to survive in every possible way, even steping over others corpses.
They developed different "sciences" named economic sciences, strategy, politics, globalist researches, management, etc, which looks different, but have something in common: surviving. Not a surviving based on cooperation, but on competition in the detriment of others. This goes even further, to the most distructive aspect of monkeys's mind, becoming a real threat to their own surviving. So, the surviving can become oversurviving, which means suiciding, because if you are on the jungle (especially if it is created by your "sciences") and for your surviving sake you kill other creatures, one day you will have nothing more to kill, and your self is the one will get killed now, either like it or not.
In the so called free time, those monkeys are reproducing, eating, sleeping or socialising on Facebook or Tweeter.
It can be good to use a Smart Phone, but if it becomes smarter than you, it is an issue, because that means you're dumper than it. Or simply dump. The dump monkeys needs some smart monkey to controll them, and this is not for their own benefit, but in their detriment. Now, the dump monkeys will do wrong things and will be punished, imprisoned or sometimes killed. They will agree with that in the name of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights. How can a monkey have human rights? Or freedom? Or democracy? Those terms are not a survival process, but more than that, which is exclusive human. The humans having that, they don't need police, prisons, army, wars, weapons, banking system, or psychiatric institutions. The monkeys on the day they will achieve all this will cease to be monkeys. But the tree monkeys are not allow that to happen and are working hard to invent global policies, ideological concepts, more destructive weapons, and to give to the ground monkeys to spend their time with, otherwise one day, becoming aware, the ground monkeys will cut the trees and will shatter the blood-sucking tree monkeys homes.

You may ask why we say monkeys and not humans? The answere is that even if the monkeys are erect, they are not aware of the outcome of their actions, as any ordinary animal can do. At least the animals are surredered to the instinct, which keeps them alive in perfect ballance. But the HBS monkeys are pretending they are different from animals, they have mind and they can conquere the Universe. Thinking like that, they are not aware that they are mortal and all their dreams and plans, achievements and deeds will vanish together with the body.

The humans can never do or think such things, and never go to the self extinction.